FIX: Crash after running Xshell after a Windows 10 update.FIX: Certain menus opening incorrect Help pages.ADD: Return value of when Cancel is pressed.Fix: Unable to connect to the SSH server of Windows 10 for developers.Fix: Unable to cancel a running Python script.Fix: UI error during product activation.Fix: Tunneling pane view not displaying properly.Fix: Results of an export containing a large number of files not being recorded properly.Fix: Residual images appear when using the Tunneling pane's horizontal scroll.Fix: Name of session files created from the Session Manager not being saved.Fix: Description field input disappears when editing a tunneling rule.Fix: 'Clear All Histories on Exit' not being applied upon exits.Mod: Keyboard Interactive authentication saves only the first inputted value.Mod: ANSI 256 colors appear in monochrome color schemes.Add: Script APIs of Information for currently connected sessions.FIX: Web page for new downloads not opening properly from expired evaluation packages.FIX: User key selection not being saved in session file.FIX: User key manager related resource cleanup.FIX: Unnecessary spaces from title bar session names.FIX: Session and folder context menu related resource cleanup.

FIX: Incorrect installation path for Xshell Plus packages.FIX: Icons not displaying properly in the context menu of a selected folder.FIX: Empty commands able to be initiated from FTP Command window.FIX: Deleted bookmark paths not being removed from dropdown list.FIX: Crash when dragging with the right mouse button.FIX: Activation related resource cleanup.FIX: 'Failed to Initialize FunctionList' Error during PKCS#11 authentication.ADD: User can choose not to open a local tab when calling Xftp.ADD: Russian language added (Acknowledgments to Andrey Kolbasenko).ADD: Portuguese language added (Acknowledgments to Alex Silva).FIX: Verify CA key Error message when using OpenSSH CA(Certificate Authority) & the terminal based authentication.FIX: GSSAPI authentication issues in Build 0183.FIX: Escape character issues with Quick Command Button strings.Delivering industry leading performance, Xshell includes a combination of features and advantages not found in other SSH clients.įeatures that enterprise users will find useful include a tabbed environment, dynamic port forwarding, custom key mapping, highlight sets, VB/Jscript/Python scripting, dual font support for ASCII and non-ASCII characters, and PKCS#11 Support. Xshell is a powerful terminal emulator that supports SSH1, SSH2, SFTP, TELNET, RLOGIN, and SERIAL.